//The project

The project

Virtual Production Studio Lab and the Karlskrona Blue Port Studios are the result of a 2 year research project in collaboration with Region Blekinge, Karlskrona Kommun and local business in the field.

The ambition was to create a technically innovative arena and a place where the movie and gaming industry meets the traditional manufacturing industry and creates excellence in Blekinge. The VPSL will be the infrastructure foundation for a clustre within Virtual Production, and together with the business community do research and develop the technology, as well as create training courses and educational programmes to secure the skills needed around the technology.

The VPSL is the 4th iteration of the Model Driven Decision Arena that have been developed and used in industrial modelling and simulation projects, and now is being scaled up for use also with other disciplines as movie industry, game industry, marine technology etc.

Read more about the project here.